
MoodGym is an interactive web program designed to prevent depression in young people. MoodGYM teaches the principles of cognitive-behavioural therapy and provides young people with strategies for managing common stressors. MoodGYM is intended for information and skill development purposes only and is not a substitute for treatment from a qualified health professional.
From everyday troubles through to really tough times, ReachOut is Australia's leading online youth mental health service. Reach out is an interactive website for adolescents. It provides adolescents with information about common mental health problems, strategies for managing a range of psychological difficulties, and advice on how to connect with services and other adolescents experiencing similar problems.
Headspace is National Youth Mental Health Foundation. It provides Online & Telephone Support Services for young people. You can also visit Headspace Centres located throughout NSW.
Adolescent Eating Disorders Program
The Children's Hospital at Westmead, Eating Disorder Clinic (Adolescent Medicine Unit/Department of Psychological Medicine)