Telephone Counselling for all ages (24 hours)
13 11 14
Lifeline is staffed by trained volunteer telephone counsellors who are able to provide support to people in crisis.
The Suicide Call Back Service provides free nationwide professional telephone and online counselling for anyone affected by suicide (24 hours).
1300 659 467
Beyondblue’s youth program (24 hours) aims to empower young people aged 12–25, their friends and those who care for them.
1300 22 4636
Telephone Support Service for Children (24 hours)
1800 55 1800
The Kids Helpline is a counselling service for young people aged between 5 and 25 years. Counseling is offered by phone, email, and over the web.
Kids Helpline counsellors are fully qualified professionals who undergo additional accredited training at Kids Helpline.
Parent Line is a telephone counselling, information and referral service for parents of children ages 0 to 18 who live in New South Wales.
1300 1300 52
Monday - Friday 9am to 9pm
Saturday - Sunday 4pm to 9pm
MensLine Australia is a professional telephone and online support and information service (24 hours) for Australian men.
1300 78 99 78
Mental Health Access Line
This line will connect you to your local mental health crisis team (24 hours).
1800 011 511
All Hour Suicide Support Service (AHS)
All Hours Suicide Support Service (AHS) is a specialised and national suicide helpline designed to support the clients when their allied health provider is not available. Our counsellors support people at risk of suicide and self-harm.
Services provided:
After-hours suicide support service
24/7 professional phone counselling
1800 859 585
If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic violence, you can ring the Domestic Violence Line for help.
1800 65 64 63
The Domestic Violence Line is a statewide free-call number (24 hours).