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Beyond Blue   1300 22 4636


Beyond Blue is a national, independent, not-for-profit organization working to increase awareness and reduce stigma associated with depression and anxiety in Australia. The Beyond Blue website offers helpful information about (and treatment options) for anxiety and depression.


Black Dog Institute


The Black Dog Institute is a not-for-profit educational, research, clinical and community-oriented facility offering specialist expertise in depression and bipolar disorder. The Black Dog website has a number of helpful fact sheets on mood disorders and provides links to appropriate services and support groups.


Butterfly Foundation


The Butterfly Foundation is a community-based charitable organization that supports eating disorder sufferers and their carers. The Butterfly Foundation website has helpful information about eating disorders and provides links to treatment services and support groups.


Centre for Eating and Dieting Disorders


The NSW centre for Eating and Dieting Disorders (CEDD) is an academic and service support centre based in Sydney. The CEDD aims to promote awareness of eating disorders and their website provides information about eating disorder services in NSW.


Chronic Pain Australia


Chronic Pain Australia is a community advocacy and support organization committed to helping people live with Chronic Pain. The Chronic Pain Australia website offers information and resources for people with chronic pain, their carers, and health professionals. Chronic Pain Australia also offers a free telephone support line.


Quitline  13 78 48


Quitline provides support and encouragement to help you give up smoking.




myCompass is an interactive self-help service that aims to promote resilience and wellbeing for all Australians. Anyone aged 18years and over can use myCompass.


BluePages Depression Information


BluePages provides information on treatments for depression based on the latest scientific evidence. It also offers screening tests for depression and anxiety, and links to other helpful resources.


Anxiety Online


Mental Health Online (formerly Anxiety Online) is an internet-based treatment clinic for people with mental health problems.


SANE Australia


SANE Australia is a national organisation helping all Australians affected by mental illness lead a better life – through support, training, and education.


Australian Drug Foundation


We are working towards changing the focus of alcohol and drugs through the provision of alcohol and drug information, community programs such as Good Sports, workplace services and policy & advocacy.


BeatAlcohol    1300 857 427


St John of God Health Care has been successfully helping people with alcohol dependence for more than 30 years.

Our people are highly experienced and our services are confidential and caring. We understand alcohol dependence and most importantly, we can help you build knowledge and power to beat the addiction.


Signs and Symptoms of Alcoholism

Alcohol Dependence Treatment Overview


Men's Referral Service     1300 766 491 (24h/7days)


The Men’s Referral Service (MRS) offers anonymous and confidential telephone counselling, information and referrals for men who have either self-identified, or been identified by various authorities, to be using family violence.

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